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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月5日 《中外医疗》 20111

    【关键词】 静脉曲张 下肢 静脉曲张切除术

    【中图分类号】 R654.3【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】 1674-0742(2011)01(a)-0084-02

    【Abstract】ObjectiveTo study the reason of postoperative recurrence and the effect of re-operation for the patients with saphenous rein varices.MethodsRetrospe ctive analysis was made for the data of 16 patients(19limbs) with the diseases from 2001to 2008.ResultsOut of 16 patients(19limbs),14 patients(17limbs) were cured,1 patients(1limbs) were improved and 1 patients(1limbs)was failed.ConclusionSatisfactory vesults were obtained,Because of the Complete examinations and the proper re-operatio Different reasons for different Surgical methods for re-treatment,obtain satisfactory results.

    【Key Words】 varicose vein;Lower limb;Varicotomy

    下肢大隐静脉曲张是外科常见病,手术相对安全,但术后复发率较高 ......

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